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Nicotine from A to Z…


Vaping has many uses. For example, there are users who want a device to ingest CBD (cannabidiol) or nicotine, while other users are looking for an effective way to quit smoking or simply vape liquids without nicotine. All of these options are completely understandable. In particular, users looking for an effective way to quit smoking or an effective way to monitor and control nicotine intake. To control your nicotine intake you essentially have to tame and control your nicotine addiction. For this, you will need a “program” to reduce, step by step, the intake of nicotine in your body. Why is it so hard to control nicotine intake? Because nicotine is a highly addictive substance. In this article, we will focus on effective ways to control your nicotine intake and what is the recommended dose depending on your body’s daily nicotine intake.

What Is Nicotine?

Nicotine is a substance that has stimulant and sedative properties. Additionally, nicotine (tobacco) is considered one of the most addictive substances, if not the most addictive.

However, not everything is negative about nicotine. For example, nicotine is a beneficial substance for preventing or mitigating various diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, most of the negative effects associated with tobacco are caused by tar associated with the burning of tobacco leaves.

History of Tobacco

Nicotine is named after the 17th century French ambassador to Portugal Jean Nicot. Nicotiana tabacum is an endemic plant of the American continent. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that from the Mississippi Valley to Tierra del Fuego, all Native Americans ate or smoked this plant, as it was considered the most sacred plant on the continent. For example, many ceremonies or sacred rites used tobacco either by smoking it or as a plant.Furthermore, according to Christopher Columbus, “the inhalation of the smoke emitted by these sexes causes drowsiness and addiction, although it seems to prevent the Indians from feeling fatigue “. In other words, a drug that makes them “sleepy” and fights fatigue at the same time. The truth is that Christopher Columbus was right! It is true that tobacco combines sedative and stimulating effects.

What is Nicotine Used For?

Because of its sedative and stimulant properties, tobacco can calm or stimulate the user depending on factors such as the user’s inhalation pattern (for example, fast or slow inhalations). However, what you may not know is that tobacco is used in plants (tobacco, tomato, eggplant) as a natural insecticide, as it is very toxic to insects and crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, etc.).

Effects of nicotine on health

We know that tobacco has both stimulating and relaxing properties, but it can also cause some side effects on your body. For example, it changes heart rate and insulin levels.

However, there is no research that proves the link between nicotine and heart disease. For example, if tar and other carcinogenic substances are not present in tobacco, then we have the positive effects of nicotine but without the negative substances that cause many negative side effects. In other words, nicotine is simply a stimulant like caffeine.

For example, nicotine increases awareness and concentration. In addition, there are some studies that have found a positive effect of nicotine in reducing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11519638

What is the daily recommended dose to control nicotine intake in your body?

It is not easy to control your craving for nicotine. First, to control your nicotine intake, we recommend switching from smoking to other less harmful nicotine products.

For example, vaping helps you control your nicotine intake and it is much easier to switch to vaping than other nicotine intake products such as nicotine gum. In addition, the vapor resembles cigarette smoke and the user maintains the mechanical movement – a habit that the hand makes to put the cigarette in the mouth and from the mouth with inhalation into the lungs.

In addition, vaping has refill liquids with different nicotine concentrations, ranging from 3 mg/ml, 6 mg/ml, 12 mg/ml and 18 mg/ml with some liquids containing concentrations of 24 mg/ml. As you can see, there are many concentrations that will help you control your nicotine intake.

You can also gradually reduce your nicotine intake. However, it is very important to implement the right strategy that will help you control the intake of nicotine in your body.

Vaping to control nicotine intake: The right nicotine concentration

Studies have shown that vaping is the best method to help an adult quit smoking (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2737916). The best alternative to stop a dangerous habit that is the main cause of heart disease and cancer.

First, it is very important to choose the right concentration of nicotine. Otherwise, you risk the desire for a cigarette! In other words, low nicotine concentrations will increase your chances of going back to smoking in order to get your daily dose of nicotine.

So to control your nicotine intake, you need to start with the right dose! This means that if you are a smoker of 20+ cigarettes, you should start with nicotine concentrations of 12 mg/ml to 18 mg/ml or higher.

On the other hand, if you are not a heavy smoker, choosing a very high nicotine concentration may make you uncomfortable. For example, you may cough or feel a “scratch” in the throat with a very high concentration of nicotine.

As you can see, to control your nicotine intake it is very important to choose and use liquids with the right concentration of nicotine to avoid relapse into old bad habits…

Types of nicotine vaporizers

There are many types of vaporizers available in the market. From 0 mg / ml to very strong nicotine salts containing up to 50 mg / ml.

Chances are you’ve heard the terms “nicotine salts” and “Nicotine Base”. In general, the most common vape liquids on the market are those based on nicotine.

This form of nicotine is very pure and its PH is in the 7-8 range, which means it is a base type substance. In addition, its pH affects the taste and sensation it offers. In other words, the nicotine base is “rougher” than the nicotine salts.

On the other hand, nicotine salts have the same chemical composition as the nicotine found in tobacco. In addition, their PH is lower than the ph found in nicotine bases. the nicotine free base PH. In summary, nicotine salts are not as harsh on the throat as nicotine bases and as a result the “throat scratch” effect will be weaker.

Most vapers (being former smokers) are looking for the throat hit that nicotine bases offer. However, nicotine salts have higher nicotine concentrations available that can reach up to 50 mg/ml.


There are many options for controlling nicotine intake. First, I’d like to point out the importance of choosing the right nicotine strength…if you’re vaping e-liquids that don’t deliver enough nicotine, you’re more likely to go back to smoking.

If you are a heavy smoker of 20+ cigarettes, you should start with nicotine concentrations of 12 mg/ml to 18 mg/ml or higher. And over time, you can gradually reduce the nicotine concentration in your vaping liquids.

Finally, vaping is a good solution for controlling nicotine intake in our body, but without the side effects caused by burning tobacco (smoking products). Additionally, recent studies have found that vaping is the most effective way to quit smoking.

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