5 Razor Blades Shark Super Chrome


5 Razor Blades Shark Super Chrome

The Shark Super CHROME razor blades are a superior quality product, ideal for those who love traditional shaving. These blades are produced in Egypt by the renowned company Lord precision industries, known for its excellence in the production of shaving accessories.

The Shark Super CHROME blades are perfect for use with safety razors and freehand razors like shavettes. Their unique design, with a distinctive and retro packaging, sets them apart from other blades on the market.

Moreover, the Shark Super CHROME razor blades are superior to their smaller sisters, the Shark Super Stainless, offering a high-quality shaving experience. These razor blades are individually wrapped in wax paper, thus ensuring their integrity and longevity.

Quantity of razor blades in each package:

5 blades individually wrapped in wax paper.

In conclusion, the Shark Super CHROME razor blades offer excellent value for money, making them an outstanding choice for those seeking a high-quality traditional shave.


Lord precision industries
Country of production:


5 razor blades per package.

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5 Razor Blades Shark Super Chrome 0,85