Ariana & Evans London Gin Club shaving soap 118ml


Ariana & Evans London Gin Club shaving soap 118ml

WARNING: The content stated on the label is incorrect. The amount of soap is 118ml instead of 100ml as indicated on the label.
Ingredients: Stearic Acid, Beef Fat, Aqua, Goat Milk, Potassium Hydroxide, Kokum Butter, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Manteca, Aloe Vera Juice, Avocado Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Lanolin, Agave, Slippery Elm, Sodium Lactate, Xanthan Gum, Silk Amino Acid, Tussah Silk, Marshmallow Root

Experience the luxurious crème de la crème of Ariana &Evans’s London Gin Club shaving soap. This shaving soap high quality It is enriched with a unique blend of ingredients such as stearic acid, beef tallow, aquatic, goat’s milk, potassium hydroxide, Kokum butter, shea butter, castor oil, cocoa Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Manteca, Aloe Vera Juice, Avocado Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Apricot Seed Oil, Lanolin, Agave, Elm Slippery, Sodium Lactate, Xanthan Gum, Silk Amino Acid, Tussah Silk and Marshmallow Root >.

These ingredients work together to provide a smooth and comfortable shaving experience, leaving your skin soft and hydrated. The unique London Gin Club fragrance adds a sophisticated touch to your daily shaving routine.

Please note that the actual amount of soap is 118 ml, not 100 ml as stated on the label. This product is proudly produced in the USA and is available in 118 ml form.

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Ariana & Evans London Gin Club shaving soap 118ml

Ariana & Evans London Gin Club shaving soap 118ml

WARNING: The content stated on the label is incorrect. The amount of soap is 118ml instead of 100ml as indicated on the label.
Ingredients: Stearic Acid, Beef Fat, Aqua, Goat Milk, Potassium Hydroxide, Kokum Butter, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Manteca, Aloe Vera Juice, Avocado Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Lanolin, Agave, Slippery Elm, Sodium Lactate, Xanthan Gum, Silk Amino Acid, Tussah Silk, Marshmallow Root

Experience the luxurious crème de la crème of Ariana &Evans’s London Gin Club shaving soap. This shaving soap high quality It is enriched with a unique blend of ingredients such as stearic acid, beef tallow, aquatic, goat’s milk, potassium hydroxide, Kokum butter, shea butter, castor oil, cocoa Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Manteca, Aloe Vera Juice, Avocado Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Apricot Seed Oil, Lanolin, Agave, Elm Slippery, Sodium Lactate, Xanthan Gum, Silk Amino Acid, Tussah Silk and Marshmallow Root >.

These ingredients work together to provide a smooth and comfortable shaving experience, leaving your skin soft and hydrated. The unique London Gin Club fragrance adds a sophisticated touch to your daily shaving routine.

Please note that the actual amount of soap is 118 ml, not 100 ml as stated on the label. This product is proudly produced in the USA and is available in 118 ml form.

EAN Code: 8051739118605

Additional information

Weight 200,00 g