Ariana & Evans dopobarba London Gin Club 100ml


Ariana & Evans dopobarba London Gin Club 100ml

Ingredients: Aloe Vera Juice, Vegetable Glycerin, SD 40B Alcohol, Rose Hydrosol, Calendula Extract , Red Clover Extract, Chamomile, Plantain Leaves, White Willow Bark, Vitamin E, Caprylic Triglycerides ( combination of plant sugars and fatty acids derived from palm and coconut oils for silkier feel and as a natural preservative).

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Ariana & Evans dopobarba London Gin Club 100ml

Ariana & Evans dopobarba London Gin Club 100ml

Ingredients: Aloe Vera Juice, Vegetable Glycerin, SD 40B Alcohol, Rose Hydrosol, Calendula Extract , Red Clover Extract, Chamomile, Plantain Leaves, White Willow Bark, Vitamin E, Caprylic Triglycerides ( combination of plant sugars and fatty acids derived from palm and coconut oils for silkier feel and as a natural preservative).

EAN Code: 616576127555

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 200,00 g